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Handmade Sweet Dreams Soap

Handmade Sweet Dreams Soap

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Sweet Dreams I am Serene, dreamworld is where we can fantasise but also face our deepest fears and overcome them. Lavender, Rosemary and Frankincense Oil. This soap induces a sense of rel...
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Sweet Dreams I am Serene, dreamworld is where we can fantasise but also face our deepest fears and overcome them.
Lavender, Rosemary and Frankincense Oil.

This soap induces a sense of relaxation and calmness.

We adore the wonderful aromatic herb, Lavender. Lavender interacts with the neurotransmitter GABA to help quiet the brain and nervous system, reducing anxiety and evoking relaxation. Research also shows that simply inhaling the aroma of Rosemary can lower stress levels. Frankincense has a calming, grounding scent which also helps open breathing passages, allowing your body to reach its ideal temperature for sleeping.

One of our most popular soaps Sweet Dreams naturally leads to good night’s sleep.

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